Custom portrait

Zelmi Fine Art

Custom portrait

Made with passion and especially for you

Animal artist on the Bâtie Rolland

I will carry out your order of animal portraits based on your photos.

• Pets or wild animals

• Pastel

• Many formats and options possible

• Shipping to France and internationally

The technique used

Custom portraits are made with dry pastel on thick paper suitable for the technique. The animal can be represented in its entirety or only its head.Pastels must be placed under glass to protect them.

The reference photo

I work from your own photos and the rendering of the portrait will depend entirely on the quality of the photo! The photo must be clear, well framed and also represent your animal in its most beautiful attitude.
I need to be able to zoom in on the image and see every little detail.

The best light will always be that of the outside, taking care however to avoid the hours when it is the most intense, because the sun too intense will hide certain details of the coat and the contrasts will be particularly high. The ideal is at the end of the day.

If you don't have the possibility to take photos outside, always prefer daylight to artificial light, next to a window, glass door, etc.

I can, subject to reservation, correct
or remove elements from the portrait, as long as they are details (stain, collar, net, etc.). but don't forget to tell me before confirming the order! Unfortunately, I can refuse a photo if it doesn't allow me to do quality work.

If you have any doubts about the quality of a photo, do not hesitate to send it to me for my opinion. I also sometimes ask for several in order to really get a feel for the animal's personality.

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