Pastel sec

Online courses available

When you start a technique, you often feel overwhelmed and you don't always know what equipment to use.

And that's completely normal!

We've all been there!

In order to answer all the questions I have been asked, I decided to bring together all my answers in the form of a guide in which I tell you about the equipment I use when practicing dry pastel.

Having been drawing for many years, I think I have acquired enough experience to be able to help you get started in this wonderful medium which I am sure will give you as much pleasure as it did me.

How do I receive my guide?

To download your guide for free, It's very simple!

Just click the button "Download my guide" below !

You will be redirected to my Patreon site which hosts my courses with a monthly subscription plan. The guide is in the collection / material tab to get started. The download is free.

Download my guide
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