Learn how to draw a black dog in soft pastel

Learn how to draw a black dog in soft pastel

Online dry pastel course

Video format

Over 5 hours of guided, real-time painting in video format.

Ease of organization

You can follow the course at your own pace and online whenever you want


Email support if you have any questions

Learn how to draw a black dog in soft pastel

In this course you will find:

  • Over 5 hours of guided, real-time painting in video format.
  • You can take the course at your own pace and online whenever you want.
  • You will learn how to make a portrait of a hyper realistic black dog using dry pastel pencils. Black being one of the most difficult colors to reproduce thanks to this course, you will learn the range of tones it contains.
  • You will also learn fur technique, layering techniques, light source, composition and all about painting eyes, nose, tongue.
  • The list of all the necessary equipment
  • The list of colors used
  • Reference photos
  • Photo for scale sketch for printing
  • Access on computer, tablet and mobile
  • Video without downloading, you will need an internet connection
  • Email support if you have any questions

Buy this course €30

Course content

- Reference photo

- Black dog model with small squares

- Black dog model with large squares

- Black Dog Sketch

- Black dog model hair direction

- Black dog model shadows and lights

- Reference of the colors used

Apprendre à dessiner un chien noir au pastel sec

- 1st video, the ears and the top of the head 48 mins

- 2nd video eyes 49 mins

- 3rd video truffle and muzzle 1 h 06 mins 31 s

- 4th video tongue and muzzle 57 mins

- 5th chin and neck video 31 mins

Apprendre à dessiner un chien noir au pastel sec

Congratulations on your wonderful works.

“The course overall was great.

The result surprises me, I didn't think I would achieve a result like this but by following your advice everything went well."





Do you want to learn dry pastel? I can help you!

If you have any questions about the courses, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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