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Learn dry pastel, drawing and painting

Online course / Dry pastel course / Animal artist

Learn or improve yourself

in the technique of dry pastel

Learn dry pastel or improve your skills by following my online courses.
The lessons are in video form where you can progress step by step with me and create your own masterpiece at the same time!

Individual courses on my website or as a subscription on my platform patreon

Free Tutorials


Grid tip:

Learn how to create a grid on just one part of your sheet.

Access the tutorial


Pastel sec :

Find out how to make this shiny black teapot using dry pastel.

Access the tutorial


Pastel sec :

Learn how to paint this elegant goldfinch in soft pastel.

Access the tutorial


Pastel sec :

Find out how to make it

color fades with dry pastel.

Access the tutorial

Online courses

Learn dry pastel or improve your skills by following my online dry pastel courses


Portrait on


Animal artist, I create a portrait of your pet for you


Online store

Original work of art or limited edition reproduction


Who am I?

My name is Corinne Maggiore, I am an animal artist and I am going to tell you about what makes me tick and gives meaning to my existence. Surrounded by animals, I think we can say that my personal and professional life is dedicated to them.

Very early on, I oriented my professional future towards "the path" of animals. Passionate about horses since I was little, I naturally chose to make my passion a profession. Hiking guide then riding instructor, I spent many years in their company, always having with me a sheet of paper and a pencil to be able to draw them in my rest times. Often led to provide them with care following injuries in the park or colic, I had the need to broaden my knowledge in animal care, which led me towards the profession of veterinary assistant.

Animal Artist

With my diploma in hand, I worked for a few years as a veterinary assistant in a clinic in my region. Then one day, brushes and pencils took an increasingly important place in my life with an inexplicable need to draw and paint all the animals that were jostling around in my head.

The time had come for me to become a full-time wildlife artist and make it my new profession.

I think you could say that animals have always been my guiding principle!

I naturally turned to dry pastel because it is a medium that "speaks to me" and that I practice by feeling because I am completely self-taught in this art.

Being very curious and always having a need for novelty and to get out of my comfort zone, I also practice oil painting, acrylic, pyrography and clay modeling.

New Arrivals Corner

Online dry pastel course available!

I suggest you make this little chimpanzee with me in pastel

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One-day internship in Drôme at Pöet Laval

During October you will have the opportunity to participate in a first day of training to learn drawing, painting and dry pastel in the Drôme at Pöet Laval. Other days will be offered in the months to come.

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Available !

Find in this little guide all my artist advice for getting started with dry pastels with peace of mind.

Asset 2

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